test career

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We are always on the lookout for talented and inspired individuals to join our team. If you're seeking an opportunity to participate in exciting projects and face inspiring challenges, we invite you to explore the job opportunities available with us.

Why Join Us?

  • Innovative Work Environment: We consider creativity and innovation integral parts of our identity. We provide a work environment that encourages the exchange of ideas and stimulates creativity.

  • Personal Development Opportunities: We believe in the importance of developing the skills of our team. We offer opportunities for training and professional development to ensure your sustainable growth.

  • Strong Team Spirit: We are one team, working collaboratively with a strong team spirit to achieve our common goals.

Explore the possibilities and be part of our journey towards excellence! If you are interested in joining our creative team, please explore the current job openings and submit your application. We look forward to seeing your talents and contributions enrich our team!

A Flutter Developer is needed for the development of cross-platform mobile applications (iOS, Android).
A Test Engineer is required to ensure the quality and performance of applications or software through the execution of testing processes. The key skills needed include:
Required Proficiency in Specific Programming Languages (.NET Core & .NET Core MVC)
Front-End Developers

  1. HTML/CSS/JavaScript: Strong skills in the core web languages.

  2. Interactivity and Interface Design: A deep understanding of interactive concepts and interface design.

  3. State Management and Responsiveness: The ability to manage the application's state and design a responsive interface.

  4. Debugging and Optimization Skills: The capability to identify and fix errors and improve interface performance.

  5. Fundamentals of Design Understanding: A good understanding of design basics and the ability to transform them into an effective user experience.

Flutter developer

The key skills required include:

  1. Dart Language: Proficiency in the Dart programming language with a solid understanding.

  2. Flutter Framework: Strong skills in utilizing the Flutter framework for the development of cross-platform applications.

  3. User Interface (UI/UX) Design: Skills in designing and implementing user interfaces using Flutter.

  4. Services Integration and API: Ability to integrate the application with external web services and utilize APIs.

  5. Problem Solving and Debugging: Strong skills in identifying and resolving issues and performing debugging.

  6. State Management and Control: Capability to manage the application's state and handle state control.

  7. Team Collaboration: Ability to work effectively within a development team.


  1.  The key skills needed include:

    1. Understanding Programming Languages: Basic understanding of programming languages used in application development.

    2. Fundamentals of Development: Fundamental knowledge of software development concepts.

    3. Use of Testing Tools: Skills in using both automated and manual testing tools.

    4. Understanding Security and Performance: Understanding of security and performance testing concepts.

    5. Analytical Skills: Ability to analyze results and provide accurate reports.

    6. Understanding Development Processes: Knowledge of software development processes and concepts.

    7. Effective Communication: Ability to communicate effectively with the development team.

Full-Stack Developer

The key skills needed include:

  1. C# Programming Language: Strong skills in the C# programming language used in .NET application development.

  2. ASP.NET Core: Deep understanding of ASP.NET Core, which forms the core part of developing .NET Core applications.

  3. .NET Core MVC: Skills in using .NET Core MVC to design and develop web applications using the Model-View-Controller pattern.

  4. Front-End Technologies: Understanding of front-end development technologies such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and modern front-end libraries.

  5. Database Knowledge: Familiarity with interacting with databases and using technologies like Entity Framework Core.

  6. Version Control Systems: Skills in using version control systems like Git.

  7. Unit Testing and Debugging: Understanding of unit testing and debugging processes in the .NET context.

  8. Software Design and Engineering: Understanding the fundamentals of software design and engineering.

  9. Security and Data Protection: Knowledge of security issues and implementation of data protection measures in application development.


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